United States History

 The Civil War


Jeopardy Questions:

Section 1:

1)During the Election of 1800,

The House of Representatives

Was called upon to break the tie

Between Thomas Jefferson and

What other individual?

2) What purchase doubled the size

Of the United States & was

Purchased from France because Napoleon lost interest in a North

American Empire?

3) The United States became involved

In the War of 1812 because of the

British policy of what? (American

Ships were seized)

4) What are two effects of the War of

1812 on the American people?

5) What was the Monroe Doctrine?

Why caused President Monroe to

Draw up the doctrine?

Section 2:

1) During the early 19th century and

Onward, what were the economies

Of the north and south?

Bonus point! What caused the north’s


2)What was the benefit of Eli

Whitney’s cotton gin?

3)Under the Missouri Compromise,

Maine was admitted as what kind

Of state& Missouri was admitted

As what kind of state?

4)Under what system did Jackson

Provide administrative positions

To friends and family members

As a way to replace the old


5) Under what law gave the federal

government the right to provide

Funds to negotiate treaties that would

Force the Native Americans to move


Section 3:

1)What is the name of the belief that

The United States was ordained

To expand to the Pacific Ocean

And into Native American territory?


Outline for Anti-Federalist vs. Federalist Debate:

 1) What are your beliefs? Should the Constitution be ratified or not.

2) The person you selected, why was he for the Constitution/ against the Constitution? 

3) What are some ways the Constitution can benefit/ harm the American citizens?

Revolutionary War...Interactive Games!




The founding generation earnestly hoped that political parties would not arise in the United States. Parties were feared as dangerous institutions that represented a corrupting self-interest. But in the end, two parties, the Federalists and Republicans, emerged almost in spite of themselves. Though unanticipated by the Constitution, the United States became the first nation to establish truly popular parties.

Parties began to form during Washington's first presidential term. The Federalists coalesced in support of Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton's economic programs, and the Republicans rallied in opposition under James Madison and Thomas Jefferson.

Political parties continued to develop in the early 1790s, but as long as Washington remained in office a true party system could not emerge. While Washington sided with the Federalists, he was an enormously popular leader who appeared to be above the dirty business of partisan politics, and no one dared to challenge him at the ballot.

All that changed when Washington announced his retirement in 1796. The still primitive national parties now offered competing candidates. Republicans stood united behind a reluctant Jefferson, while the more factious Federalists offered two candidates, Vice President John Adams and Thomas Pinckney. In a close election, Adams carried the vote, but enough Federalist electors refused to vote for Pinckney that Jefferson received the second highest vote count, making him the Vice President under the existing terms of the Constitution.

During the presidency of John Adams, parties became more important than ever. Foreign affairs led to a series of crises that divided Americans, culminating in the undeclared naval war with France. As war fever gripped the young Republic in 1798, the Federalists, claiming national security, pounced on their domestic opposition by passing the notorious Alien and Sedition Acts. These measures, which among other things prohibited criticism of the government by the press, proved to be one of the great blunders in American political history. The people had rallied behind the administration against France, but now the Republicans were able to cast the Federalists as would-be tyrants quashing civil liberties. Meanwhile, Jefferson and Madison influenced Kentucky and Virginia to pass resolutions denouncing the Acts and asserting the right of the states to oppose or nullify unconstitutional laws of the federal government.

As the election of 1800 approached, the nation was in crisis. Jefferson was again the Republican standard bearer. The Federalists were again divided, with Hamilton leading an unsuccessful attempt to dump John Adams. The election was held over the course of May to December 1800, and involved the citizenry only indirectly. In most states, the legislature chose the electors, and much behind-the-scenes wrangling took place.

The Republicans emerged victorious, but then the unexpected happened. Under the Constitution at that time, each elector was to vote for two candidates without specifying who was to be president or vice president. By mistake Jefferson received the same number of votes as his running mate Aaron Burr, deadlocking the electoral college. The election went to the House of Representatives, where each state had one vote. Burr refused to step aside, and the election was deadlocked for almost a week. By the 36th ballot Jefferson was elected. In 1804 the Twelfth Amendment corrected this problem by requiring electors to vote separately for president and vice president.

Thomas Jefferson became the third president in a peaceful transfer of power. In his inaugural address of March 4, 1801, he made a gesture of conciliation to his defeated rivals that set the tone for future party politics in America. The campaign had been bitter, he noted, but now the country must unite. Though the parties disagreed about much, what they shared was more important.


                                                                             Jefferson attacked 


10/5/2010 Homework (Due Mondary 10/11/2010)

Website to find the information: http://imet.csus.edu/imet7/pesmark/southern%20colonies%20webquest/index.htm


Jamestown Online Adventure:


Interactive Salem Witch Trails Presentation:



Colonial America Notes:

Puritan beliefs: Followed John Calvin. “Could prepare God’s grace by leading moral lives, praying devoutly, reading the Bible, and heeding to minister’s sermons.” Only God can determine who is saved. Even if you did good and followed teachings, God determined who would be saved. Work Hard. Puritan work ethic.

Small property owners, artisans, farmers, shopkeepers= Puritans

English monarchs were troubled when the Puritans challenged the Anglican Church. 1620- King Charles I killed Puritans. The Puritans wanted refuge, so they ask to colonize the New World. They wanted to escape the Anglican bishops. They envisioned working and being prosperous in North America. They wanted to live morally and according to the Bible.

Puritans Arrive in Massachusetts:

1620: First Puritan emigrants came to North America....known as the Pilgrims, crossed on the Mayflower (picture) to found the Plymouth colony (south shore of Mass Bay).  Half perished (harsh winters)
Mayflower Compact: Agreement. Compact said that they would form a government and abide by the laws that they establish.....Would later become the founding principles of the United States.
Massachusetts Bay Colony: 1630. John Winthrop established the “city upon a hill.” A republic was established. Governor, deputy governor, and assembly elected. *Most radical government because the colonists could elect the governor. New Hampshire and Maine established (these colonies were Anglican). Rhode Island & Connecticut established (Puritans).
The Puritans did not want to champion religious toleration (toleration: “government acceptance of religious beliefs and ideas that are different from established ones.”)

Radical Religious opinions.....not liked!
Roger Williams ( Puritan minister. Said the king should not have given away Indian land. He founded Providence, R.I. Said all males could vote. Puritans believed that only church members could vote) angered authorities. Believed that the Puritans were still practicing Anglican ways.
“Praying Towns:” Environments Indians were placed in and were supervised by Puritans (convert: abandon traditional ways, wear English clothing, gender roles (roles like English would have)
Rhode Island: “Separated church and state.” There were too many religions (Jews, Catholics, Baptists, Quakers). It was believed in Rhode Island that if you mixed church and state...there would be corruption.

Pequot Indians & Pequot War:

Puritans...engaged in fur trade...with Pequot Indians.  The Puritans wanted more of the fur supply and more land. The Pequot Indians did not like this. 1636.....Here’s how things went down.....the Pequot were accused, by the Pequot Indians', that they killed one of the English colonists. Did this really happen? We don’t know for sure.....but the Pequots were attacked anyways. The Narragansett and Mohegan Indians, allied with the Puritans, attacked the Pequots. Pequots then attacked the Puritans. The Puritans burned a Pequot village inhabited by mainly women and children.  Treaty of Hartford: 1638. Pequot virtually eliminated (all land taken by English & remaining Indians.....scattered like the wind amongst the other tribes).

Witch Trials: 1650-1750 : 100,000 + trials. Women mainly targeted (these were women who began to stray away from traditional women roles and work outside the home, inherit property, or live independently). women spin and weave cloth

King Philip’s War: 1675. Angry Indians. They acquired guns from traders. Killed several colonists. However, the Indians ran out of supplies (the traders would not trade) & crops destroyed by rebels. 1,000 English killed. 3,000 Indians killed. French vs. English= power over North America. Indians sides with French against the English because of this.
Middle Colonies:
Dutch and Swedes.....first to inhabit this land. English power had been growing though. English wanted this land as well.

New Netherlands: Finest harbor on Atlantic Coast: New Amsterdam.
Government: “Dutch West India Company appointed governor and advisory council of leading colonists, but they did not permit an elected assembly.” Colonists came in families, not single. Religious toleration.

Reason Why New Netherlands had a Low Population: The Dutch’s home life was good. Economy was good and high standard of living. Dutch did not have a troubled society like England’s.

New Sweden: 1638. Dual economy: “Fur trade with Indians and grain farming with colonists.” (Scandinavia)

1650-1660: Dutch vs. English  for global commerce. “The English leaders resented that the more efficient Dutch shippers captured most of the trade exporting Chesapeake tobacco and East Indian sugar.”

New York & New Jersey:  1664.

William Penn & Pennsylvania:
“Pennsylvania began as a debt paid to William Penn from King Charles II of England.”

Quakers: Radical form of Protestantism. Beliefs: Emphasize scripture and sermons by the minister. Sought “Inner Light,” .....understanding the Bible. Pacifists: Did not bear arms. Other faiths were tolerated.

1680. King granted land west of Delaware River....”Penn’s Woods.” 2,000 colonists on 23 ships arrived. Capital...City meaning “brotherly love” = Philadelphia

Climate: Temperate, fertile soil, navigable rivers. Conditions allowed colonists to prosper. Local Indians were Algonquin speakers.......colonists in PA got along well with the Indians. Pen paid fair price for Indian land he wanted and he treated them with respect.

Diversity: Dutch, Swedes, Finna, French Protestants, Germans, Norwegians, and Scots.

Religious Diversity: Quakers, Jews, Baptists, Anglican, Presbyterians, & Lutherans.
Southern Colonies

Virginia Company: Corporation of merchants based in London.

Bacon’s Rebellion: As population increased in Virginia, settlers moved to less fertile land. 1)It cost more to transport goods to market. 2) Danger from Indians. 3) Governor William Berkley collected heavy taxes from the farmers & paid the wealthy classes. From 1675 to 1676, Nathaniel Bacon led a group of indentured laborers—both black and white—who were frustrated with their economic plight, in a series of raids against nearby Indians to confiscate their land. The rebels soon turned their anger against wealthy Virginia planters, who quickly recognized the potential for widespread unrest. Shortly after Bacon died in 1676, the revolt collapsed. Recognizing the need for a permanent indentured labor force, Virginia's planters and colonial leaders strengthened a system of African slavery that survived for nearly two hundred more years.